formerly/better known as Lawrie18+ uwuuwwu isfp xwx
aries uwuwuwuspanish n english
Undiagnosed ADHD, PTSD and Bipolar Disorder, but suspected

average artist, ig
neurodivergent introvert agnostic
pansexual transmasc lithromanticCurrent hyperfixation: Moomins, Forsaken & Dandy's World
i Like
cats, comedy/tragedy, collectible figures, 80/90/2000s music, series/movies/anime, scenecore, sleep, cosplays, loneliness, help my friends, art, sun and moon themes, coffee w milk, cold weather, clown/jesters
i Dislike
cutegore/traumacore, discussions, dresses, loneliness, toxicity, be excluded, fake friends, racism, selfh4rm, toxic antis, disrespectful people, animal abuse

kinnie stuff
Yeah and Any character that is ISFP I guess...Edd (Eddsworld)
Snufkin (Moomins 90s/2019)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Shadow Milk Cookie (Cookie Run)I have an Adam Sandler complex

Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls
Home - Cavetown
Cuco - Rest Easy, I'll See You Again